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BOLD around the world

The BOLD project works with partners all over the world in different focus areas: Capacity and Resource Development with National Genebanks, Pre-breeding, Seed Systems and Safety Duplication at Svalbard. Additionally there are other components of the project reated to Communications and Management. 

Explore the map below to learn more information about each of the partners and the type of activities they are engaged in.



National Genebanks

  • Genetic Resources Institute, Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  • Bhutan National Plant Genebank, National Biodiversity Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests
  • Banco Central de Germoplasma de Cuba, INIFAT (Instituto de Investigaciones Fundamentales en Agricultura Tropical)
  • National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIAP)
  • Agricultural Research Center Egypt
  • Lao National Genebank, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI)
  • National Seed Bank, Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI)
  • Moroccan Genebank, INRA CRRAS (Centre Régional de la Recherche Agronomique de Settat)
  • National Genebank of Pakistan
  • Banco de Germoplasma, INIA (Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria)
  • Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources Conservation Research Centre (APGRC)
  • National Plant Genetic Resources Centre (NPGRC) Tropical Pesticides Research Institute
  • National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO)
  • National Genebank Resources Center, Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 
  • National Genetic Resources Center (NGRC), Agricultural Research and Extension Authority

Pre-breeding Partners

  • South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI)
  • Pulses Research Centre (PRC), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute ( BARI)
  • Agriculture Research and Development Centre (ARDC-Bhutan), Department of
  • Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Thimphu, Bhutan
  • National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIAP)
  • Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) Ethiopia
  • Indian Institute of Pulses Research (IIPR-India)
  • International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas, India (ICARDA)
  • Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture and Plant Growing
  • KALRO Kibos - Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization Kisumu, Kenya (GeRRI) Genetic Resources Research Institute
  • International Potato Center (CIP), Nairobi Kenya
  • ICRISAT - International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
  • Kyrgyz Research Institute of Livestock and Pastures (KRILP), Kyrgyzstan
  • Lao National Genebank, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI)
  • International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
  • International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) 
  • Moroccan Genebank, INRA CRRAS (Centre Régional de la Recherche Agronomique de Settat)
  • Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC-Nepal), Grain Legume Research Program
  • Lake Chad Research Institute (LCRI)
  • Yanapai Group
  • Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricole (ISRA), Senegal
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Cooperative and Rural Development (MAFCRD)
  • Agricultural Research Corporation Shambat, Sudan
  • Agricultural Research Corporation, Shambat Research Station, ICARDA Country
  • Office, Khartoum, Sudan
  • Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute, Uyole Center (TARI-Uyole)
  • Institute Nationale de la Recherche Agronomique Tunisie (INRA-T), Tunisia
  • National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO)
  • James Hutton Institute (JHI)
  • College of Agriculture and Applied Ecology, Can Tho University (CTU)
  • Mekong Delta Development Research Institute
  • Plant Resources Center (PRC), Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Agricultural extension centers
  • Agricultural seed centers
  • Seed clubs/farmer's groups
  • Southern Region Plant Protection Center (SRPPC)
  • Department of Crop Production (DCP)
  • Plant Resources Center 

Seed Systems Partners

  • Bhutan National Plant Genebank, National Biodiversity Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests
  • National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIAP)
  • Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
  • National Plant Genetic Resources Centre (NPGRC) Tropical Pesticides Research Institute
  • National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO)

Safety Duplication Partners

  • Institute of Plant Genetic Resources of Albania (IPGRA)
  • The Scientific Center of Vegetable and Industrial Crops of the Ministry of Economy of Armenia (SCVIC)
  • Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnology (SCA)
  • Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC)
  • Pulses Research Centre (PRC), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute ( BARI)
  • Group of Research, Agricultural Innovation, Biodiversity Management and Action for Sustainable and Equitable Local Development (GRIGADEB)
  • Laboratory of Genetics, Biotechnology and Seed Science of the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences of the University of Abomey-Calvi (FSA-UAC)
  • National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRAB)
  • Instituto de Agroecología y Seguridad Alimentaria, Bolivia (IASA)
  • University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences
  • Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Maize and Sorghum (Embrapa)
  • The Institute of Environment and Agricultural Research of Burkina Faso (INERA)
  • Institut des Sciences Agronomiques du Burundi (ISABU)
  • Eco Germ Farmers
  • Institut Tchadiende Recherche Agronomique pour le Dévelopment (ITRAD)
  • Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR)
  • Tropical Agronomic Research and High Education Center (CATIE)
  • Institut National por l'Etude et la Recherche Agronomiques (INERA)
  • University of Cape Coast (UCC)
  • The Borneo Institute (BIT)
  • Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture and Plant Growing
  • Seed Savers Network, Kenya (SSN)
  • The National Center for Applied Research on Rural Development (FOFIFA/CENRADERU)
  • Malawi Plant Genetic Resources Centre (MPGRC)
  • Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute, Malaysia (MARDI)
  • University of Nottingham (UNM)
  • Institute of Rural Economy (IER-SRA Cinzana)
  • Ahmadu Bello University (ABU)
  • National Horticultural Research Institute (NIHORT)
  • Biodiversity Education and Resource Centre (BERC)
  • Department of Agronomy, Osun State University (UNIOSUN)
  • Civil Association FABIA CSB Bogdanci
  • The PNG National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI)
  • National Plant Genetic Resources Laboratory (NPGRL), Institute of Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of the Philippines Los Banos
  • Anne van Dijk Rice Research Centre Nickerie (Adron)
  • Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute, Kihinga Center (TARI-Kihinga)
  • The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NMAIST)
  • Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute, Uyole Center (TARI-Uyole)
  • College of Agriculture and Applied Ecology, Can Tho University (CTU)
  • Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI) National Plant Genetic Resources Centre (NPGRC)
  • Genetic Resources and Biotechnology Institute, Zimbabe (GRBI)
  • Lupane State University (LSU)
  • Community Technology Development Trust (CTDT)
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