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BOLDER Knowledge Base

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Crop Chronicles

There are seven crops which are the heroes of our global food security: alfalfa, barley, durum wheat, finger millet, grasspea, potato, and rice. These crops aren't just filling our plates, they're th

BOLD People

BOLD Project Management Team (PMT) Benjamin Kilian Crop Trust Project Coordinator and Implementation of Making New Crop Diversity Available Nelissa Jamora Crop Trust Implementation o

Neglected and Underutilized Food Crops

Neglected no More Thanks to additional funding from the Government of Norway, BOLD is adding NUS to the portfolio through BOLDER (Building Opportunities for Lesser-known Diversity in Edible Resourc

Yemen: National Genetic Resources Center

Location Dhamar, Yemen Parent Organization Agricultural Research and Extension Authority (AREA) Mission Undertaking in situ and ex situ conservation of plant genetic resources Ensuring ma

Tanzania: National Plant Genetic Resources Centre

Visit the Website Location Arusha, Tanzania Parent Organization Tanzania Plant Health and Pesticides Authority (TPHPA) Mission Collect and conserve plant genetic resources both in-situ&nb

Sudan: Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Research Centre

Visit the Website Location Wad Medani, Sudan Parent Organization Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC) Mission Explore and collect plant agro-biodiversity from diverse agro-ecological z

Peru: Germplasm Bank of the National Institute of Agrarian Innovation

Visit the Website Location La Molina, Lima, Peru Parent Organization Instituto Nacional de InnovaciĆ³n Agraria (INIA), Directorate of Genetic Resources and Biotechnology Mission Coordinate

Pakistan: National Genebank

Visit the Website Location Islamabad, Pakistan Parent Organization Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, National Agricultural Research Centre Mission

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