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45 results:


The BOLD Grasspea Project The BOLD grasspea project will enhance the grasspea diversity available to breeders, researchers, farmers and other users, with the focus on increasing the nutritional value

Finger Millet

The BOLD Finger Millet Project The BOLD finger millet project aims at increasing and sustaining production and resilience of finger millet to enhance the food and nutrition security of small-scale fa


Join us to discover the stories of the crops that feed the world, the people who grow them and the race to adapt them to a changing climate. Learn more Biodiversity for Opportunities, Live


Saving our seeds: An emergency reserve for genebanks in peril Genebanks are the foundation of the world’s food supply. They conserve the diversity of crops and their undomesticated cousins and make i


BOLD Biodiversity for Opportunities, Livelihoods and Development Harnessing Crop Diversity to Adapt to the Effects of the Climate Crisis Funded by the Government of Norway, led by the Global Crop Div

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