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45 results:


The BOLD Rice Project The BOLD rice project in Vietnam is using participatory plant breeding and evaluation approaches to develop new crop wild relative-derived rice varieties that have the agronomic


The BOLD Alfalfa Project The BOLD alfalfa project uses wild relatives of alfalfa to improve the climate adaptation of the crop in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Activities include identifying, acquiring,


The BOLD Barley Project The aim of the BOLD Barley Project is to generate new genetic diversity in barley and make it available to plant breeders and farmers. This will contribute to enhancing food s

Focus Areas

BOLD takes a five-pronged approach to address the key challenges facing the conservation and use of crop diversity around the world.


The BOLD Project works with seven crops. 

Durum Wheat

The BOLD Durum Wheat Project The aim of the BOLD Durum Wheat Project is to increase the genetic diversity of durum wheat available to plant breeders and farmers. This will contribute to improving foo

About BOLD

BOLD (Biodiversity for Opportunities, Livelihoods and Development) is a 10-year project to strengthen food and nutrition security worldwide by supporting the conservation and use of crop diversity.

Close-up of potato flowers

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We believe in making the BOLD web site's information and functionality equally available to all visitors. We have therefore made this site as usable and accessible as possible so you can easily

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Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using this website. These are the terms and conditions (“the Terms”) of the Global Crop Diversity Trust (“the Crop Trust”) (“we” or “us”).

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